Lesson Based Summary of

The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill

Lesson 2 — A Definite Chief Aim(Decide on a Goal)

4 min readMar 15, 2020


Every line a man writes, and every act in which he indulges, and every word he utters serves as unescapable evidence of the nature of that which is deeply imbedded in his own heart, a confession that he cannot disavow.

What is A Definite Chief Aim?

A definite chief aim is a specific, clearly-defined statement of purpose. The Definite purpose should be constructive, bring hardship and misery to no one and bring you peace and prosperity. The psychological effect of a definite chief aim is called the principle of AUTO-SUGGESTION which will guide your subconscious mind.

Why is A Definite Chief Aim important?

Until a man selects a definite purpose in life he dissipates his energies and spreads his thoughts over so many subjects …. that they lead not to power, but to indecision and weakness.

Guidelines for writing A Definite Chief Aim:

Most people vaguely have a definite purpose — namely the desire for money or free time, but it’s missing a few key components. If you intend to accumulate money, that is by running a business, you would need to decide and write the line of business(e.g banking, insurance, retail etc.), the location (online or physical(which city, which suburb, which street, why)) and a business plan.

Examples of successful people who had a definite Cheif Aim:

Wrigley concentrated his mind on the production and sale of a five-cent package of chewing gum and turned this one idea into millions of dollars.

Edison concentrated upon the work of harmonizing natural laws and made his efforts uncover more useful inventions than any other man who ever lived.

Lincoln concentrated his mind on freeing the slaves and became our greatest American President while doing it.

Rockefeller concentrated on oil and became the richest man of his generation.

Gillette concentrated on a safety razor, gave the entire world a “close shave” and made himself a multimillionaire.

Elon Musk concentrates on making life multi-planetary(Space X), sustainable energy(Tesla, Solar City), Genetics and Artificial Intelligence(OpenAI, Neuralink). All of which create a sustainable future when moulded together.

Warren Buffet concentrates on buying wonderful businesses at fair prices.

Working towards your Definite Chief Aim:

The object of your definite chief aim should become your hobby

Napoleon Hill doesn’t delve into the topic of how you find your Definite Chief Aim, because it is not something you find, it’s something you work towards.

Take Elon Musk, he as a kid concluded that the most important thing is being able to ask the right questions. This required the expansion of human consciousness, which required the survival of human beings, therefore the need for sustainable energy and to become a multi-planetary species. We can see how he’s achieving his purpose which he envisioned as a kid. With regards to his “Most important thing” he’s achieving this through another company called Neuralink.

Example of How a definite chief aim is written:

Bruce Lee:

I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return, I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980, I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.

1. Be specific. Choose words that clearly express your chief aim. What do you want to do? What legacy do you want to leave that will inspire others? How can your greatest strengths and gifts breathe good into the world?

2. Choose a specific date that you want to accomplish your definite chief aim.

3. Determine what you will do in exchange for this compensation. Who will benefit from your services or products? What do they want or need? How are they changed?

4. Create a plan for achieving what you desire. It need not be a specific outline; express in general terms how you plan to reach your goals.

5. Combine elements of these statements listed above into one or two sentences. It must include a) what you desire to do, b) financial compensation you expect to receive for what you are willing to do, c) a time deadline, and (d) a plan to reach your goal(s). Therefore Know what you want, when you want it, why you want it and HOW you intend to get it.

Final Thoughts:

When you complete your definite chief aim, put it somewhere where you can see it and repeat it to yourself every morning when you wake up and before you go to bed at night. Visualize your success as you repeat this statement to yourself. It must imprint into your subconscious mind.

Be bold when you write your definite chief aim. It must motivate you and challenge your present reality. You must believe it and embrace its potential.




Written by RedFate

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