Home is where the heart is.
Retreat within whenever necessary, know that there is always a good place for you to call home. This is where you should nurture your good qualities and examine why the bad ones exist. Remember that your good qualities are good because they’re able to withstand the hostility of outside the world, but more so that they can resist the desires presented by your inner abode and show to yourself that a better way is possible and can self-criticise its existence and become stronger along the way.
Make this inner world of yours, though private, open for study. As no good thing is good if it isn’t shared with others. Though the mind wanders and the body likewise, let them not forget their path back home and from time to time clean up and take stock of what they have and dump the things which are unnecessary and pick up things of use. Much like a good tenant, you should treat your body and other externals with care until it is time for you to let go. But the mind is like your primary place of residence, make it the place you wish to live in when you’re retired, rather than turning it into a prison cell, serving a life sentence.